Amazon S3 CNAME set up guide

Sites that are hosted on Amzonz S3 use CNAMEs to point the domains. When a website is installed a Public DNS Name is created. You need to copy this name a before you go to the registrar.


Public DNS name


Once logged in the registrar the domain should be set with the Default name servers for the particular registrar.


Default name servers

After the domain uses the default name servers you can add DNS records for it in the registrar’s zone. For Namecheap this is in the Advanced DNS tab.

CNAME record

A CNAME needs to be added for @(this symbol signifies the domain itself) and www. The CNAMES must be pointed to the Public DNS Name of Amazon S3 bucket containing the files.

For the procedure is similar

Once you go to the domain you want to manage, you click on Name servers then set the default name serves of the registrar.

Name serversName servers

Then you go to Cloudboss and copy your Pbulic DNS name

Default name servers

Then go to DNS records and add 2 CNAMES that point to the Public DSN name. The first CNAME is for the plain domain so you want to leave the host field empty and the second one is for www

Default name servers

Once the Records are saved and propagated you should be able to see the domain pointing to the Amazon S3 bucket